How to give the
most important
gift of all

Female older person in Myanmar

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

Female older person in front of supplies

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

Thank you for considering a gift to older people in your Will

As we get older, we realise that the most important things in life aren’t ‘things’ at all. Instead we appreciate that good health, financial security and feeling valued by our family and community are much more valuable.

By including a gift to Age International in your Will – no matter how large or small – you will support older people around the world to live out their later years as they should.

Where older people struggle against ageism, your gift could help to fight for their rights. Where there is conflict or disaster, your gift could provide emergency aid. You could help older people to access doctors who understand their needs and provide appropriate treatment.

Where older people have no choice but to work just to survive, you could help provide a secure income through a pension. You could ensure the voices of older people are heard, understood and
acted upon.

Older people have a right, as much as anyone else, to thrive, not just survive. So thank you for requesting this information about leaving a gift in your Will. I really hope this is something that you will consider.

With best wishes,

Alison Marshall, CEO, Age International

Alison Marshall, CEO, Age International

More powerful when we work together

With decades of experience, you can trust Age International to use your gift in the best possible way. As part of the global HelpAge network – and with the help of generous donations from our supporters – Age International has achieved huge positive impact for older people.

Older man with crutches in Afghanistan

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

© Ben Small, HelpAge International

Give the gift of a secure income

A gift in your Will could provide older people with the chance to earn a living or receive a pension for the first time, so they can enjoy the benefit of a secure income in their later years.

Foday Smart, 67, from Sierra Leone, used a loan from the older people’s club he is part of to start a charcoal-selling business by the roadside close to his home. Age International helped his community to create the older people’s club and we provided loans as well as training and support to club members on how to run a business.

Older man with crutches in Afghanistan

Foday Smart, 67, from Sierra Leone. © Simon Rawles, Age International

Foday Smart, 67, from Sierra Leone. © Simon Rawles, Age International

Give the gift of companionship

In countries like Vietnam, so many older people find themselves isolated and alone, as children grow up and often move away to find work in cities.

Together, we can combat the loneliness that leads to depression and ill-health, and ensure there is support for older people who have physical challenges.

Miss Tuyet receives care at home, along with her severely disabled brother. Neither of them can walk, but her carers – older people themselves – have helped to provide relief from everyday struggles, along with a friendly face. This support has transformed their lives.

Older man with crutches in Afghanistan

© Simon Rawles, Age International

© Simon Rawles, Age International

How to make or amend your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will to Age International couldn’t be simpler. You can make sure your loved ones are looked after, as well as helping to ensure that Age International can provide older people with the support, comfort and dignity they need for years to come.

When making your Will, it’s good to start by drawing up a complete list of your assets and expenses and then make a list of all the people and good causes you want to benefit from your Will.

We recommend using a solicitor who can help make sure that your wishes will be followed.

To amend an existing Will to include a gift to Age International, your solicitor can draft an amendment (called a codicil) for a minimal cost.

Older man with crutches in Afghanistan

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

Suggested wording for your Will

The following suggested wording can be used when making or amending your Will. But always consult a solicitor to ensure your wishes are carried out exactly as you intend.

Older man with crutches in Afghanistan

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

Types of gifts you can leave in your Will

© Simon Rawles, Age International

© Simon Rawles, Age International

A residuary gift is a percentage of your estate once any specified gifts have been made to friends and family. Many of our supporters choose to leave this type of gift because it does not lose value over time and they can ensure that their loved ones are well-looked after first and foremost.

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

A pecuniary gift is a specific amount of money. It’s worth bearing in mind that the effects of inflation mean that this type of gift is likely to lose value over time and may end up being less than you initially intend.

© Emre Caylak, HelpAge International

© Emre Caylak, HelpAge International

A specific gift is a gift of a specified item – such as a personal possession, land, buildings or stocks and shares.

Frequently asked questions

Is it difficult to change my Will to leave a gift to Age International?

Not at all. In fact, if there are no other changes you want to make, you might decide to add a supplement to your Will to make an amendment (known as a codicil).

Are there any tax benefits to leaving a gift?

Gifts to charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax. In some cases, your gift could also reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax your loved ones are liable for. To find out more, visit the HM Revenue and Customs website at or consult your solicitor.

Will my gift really make a difference?

Yes! Any gift we receive, small or large, could make a big difference to older people around the world. To preserve the value of your gift by making sure that it keeps pace with inflation, you might decide to leave a residuary gift.

Can I change my mind?

Yes, of course. Your Will is your own personal document so you are free to change it as many times as you wish. Any conversations you have with us about leaving a gift in your Will are also confidential and you’re under no obligation to act on anything.

How do I get in touch?

If you’ve got any questions about making a gift, please contact us on 0800 032 0699 or email and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can. Thank you!

Older person in her home

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

© Katie Barraclough, Age International

HelpAge International UK, trading as Age International, is a registered charity (no. 1128267-8) and a subsidiary of Age UK (charity no. 1128267 and registered company no. 6825798); both registered in England and Wales. The registered address is 7th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London, EC3N 2LB.